

你們的選票給我強大支持和力量,在未來兩年任期內,我會利用我手上的選委票和理事的職權,為香港會計師爭取專業自主和生存空間。我亦希望再推一會員一票選會長,廢除現有小圈子選舉。還有幫助年青會計師的發展。期待你給予我寶貴的意見及建議,我的電子郵件: raymondchengforcouncil@gmail.com 和我的Facebook專頁 “Raymond Cheng for Council” 將24小時運作,與你們緊密溝通和聯繫。藉此再次向各位表達深厚謝意。祝


CHENG Chung Ching Raymond

電話: (852) 2110-5200
手提: (852) 9096-5351
電郵: raymondchengforcouncil@gmail.com

Dear Valued Friends,

It gives me great pleasure to let you know that in addition to being elected as the committee member of 2016-2021 Chief Executive of the HKSAR Election Committee Subsector Ordinary Elections (Accountancy Subsector), I have also been re-elected into the Council of HKICPA with the highest number of votes. This is the second term that I have achieved the highest number of votes for Council Election. Thank you is simply not enough. My heartfelt gratitude to all of you for your support and encouragement throughout the campaign and indeed over all these years.

You have entrusted me with your votes and I vow to continue my efforts in fighting for our profession for the next two years. I also strive to fight for One member one vote for electing the President of the Institute as well as helping young accountants in their career development. I shall continue to be at your disposal 24 hours every day throughout the year via my email: raymondchengforcouncil@gmail.com and my Facebook page “Raymond Cheng for Council”.

Once again, my heartiest gratitude to all of you.


CHENG Chung Ching Raymond

電話: (852) 2110-5200
手提: (852) 9096-5351
電郵: raymondchengforcouncil@gmail.com